Jedan od glavnih cilejva Fondacije Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra za kulturu i obrazovanje jeste pružanje podrške talentovanim i uspešnim mladim ljudima u Srbiji u širenju njihovih znanja i mogućnosti.
Do sada smo obezbedili stipendije za više od 100 studenata na osnovnim, master i doktorskim studijama, kao i za različite letnje škole i kampove.
Lista institucija sa kojima smo sarađivali:

Cooperation with Nottingham University
In June 2006 HRH Crown Prince Alexander II invited Sir Colin Campbell, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham and a delegation of professors to visit Belgrade. The objective of this visit was to establish a platform for academic cooperation between the University of Nottingham and the University of Belgrade, as well as with other universities in Serbia.
The main topic was scholarships, know-how for the creation of a Career Centre at the University of Belgrade, cooperation in research and programmes of exchange of professors.
1. Sir Colin Campbell announced that the University of Nottingham will provide 40 scholarships equivalent to 50 Million Dinars (600 000 Euros) to the best Serbian students who decide to continue their education at the University of Nottingham for the academic years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008.
Sixteen top students left for the United Kingdom in September 2006 and January 2007 and will spend the next academic year for postgraduate studies (Master and PhD degree) in Nottingham. The University of Nottingham covered their tuition fees and the Fund for Young Talent of Serbia and the Foundation of Crown Prince Alexander for Culture and Education provided them with funds for accommodation, living and travel expenses.
2. Nottingham University offered its know-how for the creation of the first University Centre for Career Development in Serbia that was initiated by the Foundation of Crown Prince Alexander for Culture and Education. The Centre was founded by the University of Belgrade and opened its doors for all the students of Belgrade University at the premises of the Faculty of Law, in December 2006.
Centre for Career Development
In 2006 Foundation created the Centre for Career Development at university level with an aim to provide students and graduates with assistance and advice on finding the appropriate jobs and enabling them to explore employment opportunities during the studies and upon graduation. There are 4 centres in Serbia, in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Nis.
Culver Summer Camp
The Crown Prince Alexander II Foundation for Education and Culture every year offer the unique opportunity for High School students from Serbia to spend six weeks during summer at the prestigious high school, Culver Academy in Indiana, United States.
Culver is preparing boys and girls to receive the encouragement to try things about which they have only dreamed about. Furthermore, they also learn how to develop and value self-discipline. They will have an opportunity to learn how to overcome self-imposed limitations and to advance their skills and knowledge.
HRH Crown Prince Alexander II himself attended this very same summer camp in 1959 before enrolling at Culver Academy for the academic year 1959-1960.
The most things about Culver summer camp is an opportunity for young people to learn about leadership skills that build confidence for a lifetime.